Spring has sprung.
Daffodils yielding to tulips, peonies surprising the crowd with lush vigor, ambitious foliage where there had been only bare dirt just a few weeks ago. Crab apples and flowering cherries greet me each morning, thrilling me with their vibrancy. Tiny bulbs buried by last year’s birds and squirrels, now gracefully wave in the breeze, bearing colors my mind can’t conjure after the sun has set. How can I not be humbled by their glorious audacity?
I’ve decided to take it as a challenge. Audacity, I mean. How about you? What audacity is straining to peek out from the civility of your 9-5? Have you read The Artist’s Way, the wonderful old classic by Julia Cameron? It’s a great reminder to attend to the artist within each of us, and on the days that I follow her lead, I am one rockin’ viburnum.
I dare you to look at life as the adventure it was when you were six. When any creative idea that popped into your head was acted on before you thought twice. I have. The image above might give you a hint of an old joy I’ve rediscovered. Only this time, I’ve cautiously peeked around the corner, and believe me, it’s a whole lot more challenging now that I’ve lost all my baby teeth.
C’mon. Springtime is waiting for you.
It’s going to be fun,
Laura Martin, President | Red Rover Promotions
We love creating presentations full of new and exciting ideas, but did you know you can always search our website for some quick solutions? Check it out here.

Dear Rover,
Spring has definitely sprung, but I don’t feel like my creativity has! I am stuck in a bit of a swag rut – always going to the same things over and over. I am looking to do a little Spring cleaning of our event closet, but I don’t even know where to begin with finding new, fresh items to replenish the shelves. Any ideas?
Stuck in San Antonio
Dear Stuck,
One of our favorite things to do is share new ideas. The team was busy throughout the Winter attending events all over the country, looking at the newest products and most exciting ideas to present to YOU! If we know just a few things, such as budget, audience, how many and when, we are stocked to the brim with product ideas ready to inspire and evoke creativity.
Keep going back to that same old item because it works? Or maybe tried something that was a bust? Tell us about it and let us make some suggestions to breathe new life into your next event. You’ll feel as fresh as a newly picked daisy.
Reach out to the Red Rover team any time. We are here to help you thrive.
With love,
Your pal, Rover (woof!)
Don’t think twice about it …
I wonder if Pickleball has become so popular because it makes us feel like kids again! Either way, this Pickleball Paddle Set is a must for your summer events.
A glass mouse pad? That doesn’t sound kid friendly. Good thing we’re adults now and can enjoy the fancier things! Pick your favorite image for a full color layout on this LuxPad Glass Mousepad.
From Lunchables to charcuterie boards, we have certainly upped our cheese game over the years. Send a picnic treat with this Cheese Sampler, and upgrade to include custom cheese boards, jams, and more!
Looking for more inspiration? Find some magic by clicking here!
Well, it’s been lovely catching up!
We hope you found a smile, a new idea, food for thought, and a few minutes away from whatever is pulling at your sleeve today.
Thanks for being here with us. It wouldn’t be the same without you.
Visit us any time by heading to redroverpromo.com or send an email right to us here!

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